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Analyse the earthquake risk of your property portfolio with Wüest Partner

August 9, 2021

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It has long been known that earthquakes can cause major damage. However, although this risk is known, the SIA regulations on earthquake safety are often not complied with in reality. Although awareness of earthquake risk has been raised over the decades, there is still a need for action. It is problematic that many existing buildings have insufficient requirements for earthquake resistance. In order to ensure the safety of people and economic efficiency, the systematic recording of building portfolios with regard to their earthquake safety is obligatory for owners in Switzerland. In the course of this, in March 2020 the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) developed a three-stage guideline for identifying critical buildings. This procedure is as follows:

  1. Delimitation: The portfolio to be examined as well as the goals and strategy are defined.
  2. Evaluation: The first key figures are determined by means of a systematic recording process. These are then used as the basis for prioritising the building portfolio.
  3. Review: A structural engineer carries out a structural review for the buildings with the highest priority, which shows the value of the compliance factor “α”. Finally, necessary measures are planned.

Wüest Partner is an expert in real estate services. This also includes the evaluation of your real estate portfolio with regard to earthquake safety. (Stages 1 and 2 of the multi-stage procedure described above). Our portfolio analysis tool for prioritising properties in terms of earthquake safety is based on the FOEN guidelines and helps owners of large real estate portfolios to deploy their resources efficiently and in a risk-based manner. If you are interested, we would be happy to inform you about how we can help you put your portfolio on the right track. Our specialists are also available to advise you on any further questions you may have on the subject of earthquake safety.