Solutions for Institutional Investors
Benefit from the Wüest Partner market intelligence
Optimize your portfolios! Our expertise helps you to recognize risks and identify potentials.
Benefit from our broad expertise and many years of experience. They form the basis for our reliable valuations, from individual properties to multi-country portfolios. We meet all regulatory requirements and cover the full range of valuation services using all common valuation and accounting standards.
Your benefit
- Knowledge for your strategic decisions
- Location and market analyses
- Access to market intelligence
- Applications for own use
- Scenic reflections
Tailor-made solutions for institutional investors
Transaction valuation
Detailed valuations of real estate secure you for buying and selling worldwide.
Financial valuation
For your balance sheet, a proper valuation of your real estate is necessary according to national and international standards.
Wüest Dimensions
Wüest Dimensions offers access to exclusive market and location information, benchmarks and real estate valuations. You can evaluate and manage your investments in one platform
Let us check your investment plans for opportunities and risks. For a sustainably successful portfolio.
Digital Solutions
Take the management of your investment portfolios to a new level. Get dynamic analysis and reporting quickly and easily with digital assistants and artificial intelligence.