Wüest Partner signs UN-supported principles for responsible investment
February 19, 2021
At the beginning of 2021, the Wüest Partner Group joined the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) initiative promoted by the United Nations. By signing up, Wüest Partner is strengthening its efforts to actively promote environmental and social issues as well as value-oriented corporate management.
The PRI are an international network of investors, asset managers and service providers who jointly implement several principles for responsible investment. The aim is to consciously consider the issues of environmental protection, social standards and corporate governance criteria (ESG) in investment decision-making processes. By voluntarily committing to these principles, signatories contribute to strengthening sustainable investments.
In recent years, the Wüest Partner Group has already built up a strong position for innovative solutions to sustainability issues in the construction and real estate market. The focus is always on the holistic consideration of structural, operational, organisational and investment-relevant aspects. The range of services extends from the inclusion of ESG criteria in real estate valuations to advice on investment and construction decisions and the development of applications for assessing sustainability.
Patrik Schmid, Chairman of the Group Executive Board: «As a responsible service provider, it is clear to us that all ESG aspects must be taken into account when creating the basis for decision-making. By signing the PRI, we will intensify our activities in this area and further expand our competencies.»
«We are delighted to welcome the Wüest Partner Group as a signatory to the PRI,» said Fiona Reynolds, CEO of the PRI. «By joining, Wüest Partner recognises the importance of incorporating environmental, social and governance factors into its services and products.»
Wüest Partner Nachhaltigkeits-Services in der Übersicht
Beratung, Reporting, Energieausweis
- Strategische Nachhaltigkeitsberatung und Umsetzungsbegleitung
- ESG Beratung und Lösungsansätze
- Portfoliorating und Portfoliosimulation
- Beratung CO2 -Absenkpfad
- Wertermittlung unter Berücksichtigung des aktuellen und zukünftigen CO2Ausstosses
- Nachhaltigkeits-Reporting
- Sanierungsstrategie
- Gebäudeenergieausweise, GEAK und GEAK Plus
- Zertifizierungsprozesse
Applikationen und Tools
- Wüest Dimensions
- Wüest Insights
- Wüest Environments
- Wüest Climate und GEAK
- CO2 -Rechner «PACTA»
Bildung, Forschung und Innnovation
- Diverse Publikationen
- Lehrgang «CAS ETH ARC Bestand»
- Forschungsprojekt «Sanierungen mit 3 Gewinnern»
- Wüest Partner Förderpreis
- Vorlesungen Luzern CAS Energieberatung
- Diverse Veranstaltungen wie: 2Sol, Stadt Aus Holz, Swissbau Präsentation , Marktvorteile mit Energie